Friday, September 27, 2019

Taylorist Job Designs and Hard Human Resource Essay

Taylorist Job Designs and Hard Human Resource - Essay Example In this sense therefore individuals should not be coerced into presence and participation in work activities (Larsson, Vinberg & Wiklund, 2007, p. 1147). The soft model of HRM causes a positive attitude among employees towards their work activities and as a result preventing absenteeism. On the other hand, the strict rules that are set within the hard management model causes stress and negative attitudes among employees and as a result leading to high rates of absenteeism at the workplace. The soft model in HRM ensures that individuals are self motivated to come to come every day and engage in their work roles and responsibilities even when there is little or no supervision. On the other hand, the application of the hard model and its characteristic punishment on employees makes them to lack motivation and as a result causes absenteeism. When individuals are compelled regulations, policies, standards and rules in their work activities as demonstrated by the application of the hard mo del, they are more likely to be less productive (Truss, et al, 2007, p. 57). The reduced productivity is related to the absenteeism which is related to the application of the hard model of human resource management. On the other hand, when duties and responsibilities are delegated to individuals in a less strict and supervisory environment of the soft model of HRM, these employees will be less absent at the workplace leading to more productivity. It is argued that the absence that individuals demonstrate at work is as a result of the natural instinct of human beings to avoid responsibilities. It is because of this that the soft model in HRM is encouraged in organizations as compared to the hard HRM model.... This paper stresses that Taylorist job designs provide that the execution of job activities is separated from the planning process. In additional, Taylorism as described in scientific management provided for procedural and timed work activities. Since services are less procedural and unrealistic to time, it is argued that the Taylorist job designs cannot be applicable in the service industry with the required effectiveness. This report makes a conclusion that in light of the above analysis, discussion and illustrations, it is evident that Taylorist job designs and hard human resource management model are suitable for application within the manufacturing industry such as food processing and manufacturing companies. Taylorist job designs are procedural, timed, segmented and focused at minimized training needs and cost which makes them suitable for application in the manufacturing industry. The hard human resource management model is also appropriate within the manufacturing industry where cheap labor, minimal communication, more machinery and little delegations are exhibited. On the other hand, Taylorist job designs are not suitable within the service industry such as a call center because of the difficulty in segmenting job activities and the need for collective training for broader skills and knowledge within the service industry. The hard human resource management model is also not suitable within the service industry because of the delegating characteristic of this industry and the increased need for motivation and compensation for effective service delivery.

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